Nantucket Bracelet Class with Abby Fisher (5/16)
Nantucket Bracelet Class with Abby Fisher (5/16)
Friday May 16
6 - 8:30PM
$ 125 members/ $155 non member (+$35 materials fee)
Learn to weave a Nantucket Lightship Basket Bracelet with Abby Fisher of Fisher Nantuckets. In this introductory class, you will learn to hand-weave your own ½” width bracelet with a choice of end caps. The class will be 2.5 hours long and will include time for light refreshments, a brief history of the Nantucket Lightship Basket, and a tour of the current art exhibit. At the end of the class, you will leave with your own piece of wearable art.
The iconic weaving style of the Nantucket Lightship Basket is native to our shores as it began off the coast of Nantucket during the late 1800s. We are proud to continue the tradition and keep this American artform alive.
Materials Fee: includes bracelet supplies with Acrylic End Caps (Design options - pick two - Map of Cape Cod, Blue Hydrangea, Anchor, Whale) -
*additional end caps will be available to purchase in cherry + $76 & ivory +$127 at the time of class if you don’t want acrylic. Please contact CAC if you want cherry or ivory end caps. Requests for upgraded end caps must be received a week prior to class.