Erika Novak & Drew Darley "Round Trip Clayworks"
Kate McGuire Pottery
"Cape Cod Ceramic" - Frederique Poulain
Chelsie Starace "C Star Pottery"
"Susan Wechsler Designs"
Paul Wisotzky "Blueberry Lane Pottery"
Be sure to click the link below to stay updated on new classes, events and more!
email: info@capecodcreativearts.org
Phone: (508) 945-3583
Hours: Gallery Open to Public: Mon - Fri: 9am-3:30pm
*Snow Policy: If the Monomoy School District closes due to inclement weather, the Creative Arts Center will also close. If the Monomoy School District has a delay in the morning, the Center will open as normally scheduled. During weekends, school vacation & evenings, please go to the home page on our website for the latest information.